I absolutely hate hate hate hate public restrooms. I dont give a damn where they are, from gas station bathrooms to the bathrooms at the doctors office, I hate them. My point was proven today when this little girl walked out of a public restroom at marathon gas  station. I was just minding my own buisness pumping the gas in the car and I just happen to be hearing their conversation and you wont believe what the hell I heard:
little girl: mommy there wasnt any toilet paper or soap in the bathroom
woman: oh dont worry about it
WHAT THE F***?! what the hell do you mean dont worry about it? that is a big damn deal. Not  only did your daughter not wipe her ass but she didnt wash her damn hands either.  Now she probably has doo doo tracks on the back of her draws all because there wasnt any toilet paper. That shit is nasty ( pun intended). Im not saying that there not being any toilet paper in the stall was her fault, Im just saying tell your daughter to take her ass into the gas station and demand some toilet paper so that she can wipe that shit off (really). Or at least tell your daughter to find some pine or evergreen tree leaves to wipe her ass with. And then the little heffa didnt even wash her hands. Do you have any idea how many diseases are contracted from touching door knobs ( I have no idea but Im pretty damn sure its alot). And even if the girl did wipe her ass what the hell did she use? her hand? if thats true than that means her hand now smells like ass and the next hand she shakes will smell like ass and so on and so forth. Thats how diseases spread. Call it "ASSITIS".
I hate using public restrooms, I hate them. I like to drop loads in the privacy of my own house thank you very much. Every time I go to a public restroom I think of every ass that ever sat on that toilet seat and it strikes fear in my heart. People can be so nasty.