Lois Lane was angry at Superman last night. Why? He was faster than a speeding bullet lol: My Beef With Superman

Hello everyone and welcome to my beef with superman. I dont really hate superman per say I just dont really like him that much. You know the better way to describe my feelings towards superman would be annoying. Superman is annoying. He's the most annoying superhero ever why? because this guy has absolutely no flaws except kryptonite and you know what you cant even count kryptonite because how often do you come in contact with kryptonite. The guys' too perfect, hes super strong super fast (thats what she said) he's the man of steel, he can shoot lasers from his eyeballs, he can see through things, he has hearing capabilities that would make an elephant jealous, and on top of all this he has perfect hair!!!! I mean have you ever in your life seen such a perfectly executed hair curl and gel job. He always gets the girl but then again Batman does too but that's cuz he plays the "My parents are dead" card and they take pity on him and he gets laid. Superman is like the football captain in highschool who's nice to everyone even the suicidal nerd. He dates the head cheerleader, he's the prom king, even the goth chicks secretly wish to get laid by him, he's just so awesome, he can do no wrong. YEAH RIGHT!

And in what decent self respecting Superman television series has superman ever taken a serious ass whoopen? Ill tell you when, NEVER and if he does 9 times out of 10 kryptonite is involved. Seriously where the hell do these people get kryptonite? they must sell it by the pound, where can I get some?.I may be the only person in the world who cheers when Superman gets his ass kicked. I get so sick and tired of the naughty bad guy doin something naughty and Superman just blowin through them like tissue paper. Where's the struggle people? Where's the danger?

This is what tops off my beef with superman more than anything. You would have to be a complete idiot to not know that Clark Kent is Superman. The guy's disguise is a buisness suit and thick glasses, which mind you if he took them off he would look just like superman. Thats like me putting on a sombrero and saying Im the mexican hat man when I clearly still look like Amber. A word of advice to superman grow a mustache at least that way you will be slightly misleading.

So whats my beef with superman: HE'S JUST TO PERFECT, I like my men to have flaws.